Hi,Marilla: Wonderful pendant in beautiful colors.I like both: either the cabochon You have used here,or the bezel for it,You've created.The variety of shaped beads makes the whole composition very interesting.I also like the rope,which is uniquely stitched,only a pity,You didn't show more of them in Your photos. -All the Best- -Halinka-
VálaszTörlésWonderful pendant in beautiful colors.I like both: either the cabochon You have used here,or the bezel for it,You've created.The variety of shaped beads makes the whole composition very interesting.I also like the rope,which is uniquely stitched,only a pity,You didn't show more of them in Your photos.
-All the Best-
Első pillantásra beleszerettem!!!
VálaszTörlésCsodaszépek a színei (is)!!